Friday, May 05, 2006

Udate Your Wardrobe

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Losing weight is a good think but it has caused a major problem in my wardrobe. I have changed from a size 14 to a size 8 in about 6 months. Since I am I was looking around the web and found an interesting article called Update Your Closet in 10 Pieces or Less. I suppose I am a SCHIZOPHRENIA Style dresser like style # 2 even though I had never though of if in that way. I dress rather conservative at work but I love my jeans and frilly girlish casual type of clothing on the weekend and at night when I am able to dress that way but unfornatively I am back working until closing at my job.

I priced the clothing they had suggested and they are designer (we are taking a little expensive) but you can find clothing at Target or other stores for less and get the same type of look. If you sew and have the time you can get very good quality. You just will not get the same quality. Hey, I think I might do some shopping this weekend.

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