Friday, August 31, 2007

Have an appointment with yourself - (Chapter from Mr. Debashis Chatterjee's book)

A mosquito saw an elephant crossing a bridge and asked for a ride. The mosquito said "Hello mate! What if I sit on your back and give you some company as you cross the bridge?.

"The elephant said nothing. The mosquito sat on the elephant's back. He fel very proud that he could persuade the elephant to be a co-rider. As they were crossing the bridge, the mosquito cried out, "Watch out brother, two of us are very heavy, make sure the bridge does not collapse!". The elephant said nothing.

As they crossed over through the bridge, the mosquito said, "See, how I guided you safely through!". The elephant said nothing.

Finally the mosquito got off the elephant's back and buzzed, "Here is my business card. If you need any help in the future just call me on my cell phone." The elephant thought that he heard some whisper somewhere. But he dismissed this as a day dream and marched on....

The Elephant is the enormous flow of our life. The mosquito is our restless ego that thrives by sucking life's attention. The more the elephant ignores the mosquito the more the ego vanishes. //

Light the fire in your heart - Debashis Chatterjee.

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