Sunday, July 17, 2005

No real changes

I have not had any new developments lately. The corn has been great this year. I have had it three times this week and I end up eating two cobs.LOL Even my one daughter who HATES corn is eating it.

All animals are doing well so far but because of the heat my hens are laying a lot less but it will pick up soon. The pullets should be laying soon and the will create more eggs.

I am still working on the pair of pants I can not seem to get the instuctions write. I think I will write the company to see if I can get some more instuctions. I would really like to get them done before summer is over since they are really a summer type of pants.

I am waiting for the call for the goats. I just can't wait. I would like to have some more crittlers around here. When I get the call I will bring the turkeys into the processor since it is in the same area and is about 3 hours away.

Oh, I have at least one watermelon growing now. So yummy it will be I am sure.

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