Monday, May 26, 2008

Bike lanes and Walking Paths

Lets face it! Cities in the United States were planned in the last few centuries with only cars as the source of transportaiton. This has led to cities being unsafe for bikers and pedestrians in many areas. So in most cities people who use them as their main means of transportation often do so at with major inconvenience and danger. There has been the only one city in the United States that has made in effort to plan for bikes. The small city of Davis, California has 65,000 people but over 100 miles of bike lanes and bike paths. Some of the path are by themselves. Their are bikes all over with maps and places to lock up your bike. Most city governments need to follow through with some of these ideas.

Having used bike lanes that are used by parked cars I believe the cities need to utilize lanes offered by places like the Netherlands. In the Netherlands in many areas contain Woonerf where pedestrians and cyclists have legal priority over autos.

Walkable Communties

Twin Cities on Two Wheels

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous26/5/08 09:21


    The information given on this is self explanatory and thank you very much for the same.



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