Monday, November 07, 2005

Casual Wear or NOT?

Kleider machen Leute.

Clothes make the man.

Their seems to be a lot of confustion these day as what is casual wear. I see a lot of people who seem to think that casual wear=weekend wear. The casual wear term is an attempt to give people come idea of what to wear for a certain event. Business casual is an oxymoron. Casual wear is not Jeans, T-shirt and sneakers.

So what is casual? To my knowledge it is pants and knee length at least skirts for females but not cagro, or any ones with weird straps or made to look like jeans. Shirts long or short sleeved. Some of the polo shirts are acceptable in certain situations. Sweaters plain or simple ones are okay for the most part. well here is a break down.

BUSINESS CASUAL: This is beneath a business suit and tie and can consist of a suit or sports jacket and/or sweater, and an optional tie. The fabrics may be less dressy, and the tie a knit or novelty print. This is what you may wear to a business party or business casual days.

CASUAL CHIC or Dressy wear: This is the dress trousers, sports shirt, dress shirt or knit polo shirt, a sweater or sport jacket and leather shoes/belt. This is what you wear at a party at a friends home (some parties are weekend wear) or dinner at a nice restaurant.

SPORTY or RUGGED: This is the Pizza palor, any activity where you might run into someone interesting or you know. It is casual but still looks like you put it together.

SATURDAY CASUAL OR LEISURE: What you wear on weekends, if you had to go out shopping or doing laundry, and there was even a remote chance of human contact. This is not fannel pajamas or sweats but includes Jeans and nice t-Shirts.

ACTIVE or Working around the house wear: This is what you wear to the gym, washing your car, or gardening, and taking care of animals but not stop off at the grocery store on the way home. It is also what you might wear around the house if are not expecting any visitors and hope that no one drops by.

Patience with casual attire has worn thin

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