Friday, March 25, 2005

Change of Plans

A co-workers dog is ill so I will be working the night shift instead of the day today. I am trying to get as much laundry done as possible before I will need to leave for work so I will have the weekend free to do other things. The 150 shrubs for the wind break arrived the other day so they will need to be planted Saturday.

The 50 American plums will be planted around the woodlot area to help create a wind break in the north area and also provide feeding and shelter for pheasants and other animals. The Caragana will be planted around the west/east pasture and barn and in front of the house. The 50 lilac will be planted around the house and along the driveway to provide an extra windbreak the house. It is still very wet and overcast so it is going to be a challenge. I might have to heel them in until it dries a little. At least it is not very cold.

The computer lab is so..... slow tonight. I guess most of the regulars when someplace since it is a holiday weekend. I have two using computers right now and that has bee like that for about 2 hours after the group left doing a school project. I have't work too many evenings in the last 6 months when I took the other contract that was full time. It however, went part-time after 6 months due to cut backs so I now work two contracts to get 32-38 hours per week.

Since I did not come in until noon I was able to get a few loads of laundry done so I do not have to worry about it so much this weekend.

I am hoping I will have time to get more straw so I can clean out the chicken coup and put fresh straw inside since they are inside the coup more because I am allowing them only access to the chicken run area. I haven't seen any of the pasture seed growing yet. It might be too cold for the seeds to really grow. I do not know if I will be able to plant more in the garden becasue it will most likely still be too wet still.

The road to our place has gotten horrendous. They have not graded the gravel road for months and now there are huge ruts in the road. I thing I am going to try going the other way because there may be less traffic and tractors that travel that way.

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